Our Story & Beliefs

Our Story

On November 14, 2021, a group of believers composed of 12 members began to informally gather for the worship of the Triune God on the sabbath day. By July 16, 2022, the informal group had officially covenanted into a local church composed of 19 members, which was well attended by other Reformed Baptist churches as they are represented by their pastors.

Two (2) original members have already joined Christ in glory.

We currently have 22 active members in our local Church, with one elder and one deacon as our officers.

Our Beliefs

Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church is a non-denominational, independent, local church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, whose Word is preserved in the Holy Bible.

The Church also subscribes to two subordinate documents: (1) a Constitution, that the Church may govern itself in an orderly manner, and (2) the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith with Updates and Revisions, a systematic summary of the Bible’s core teachings.

The Church’s beliefs, taken entirely from the Bible, are further summarized into 5 distinctives: (1) the Orthodox, (2) Covenantal, (3) Calvinistic, (4) Puritan, and (5) and Baptistic distinctives.

The Church is led by its duly elected Officers, who must first be examined by the Church according to the requirements given in Scriptures before being voted into office: these are the Pastors and Deacons.

These Officers are reexamined every 4 years for the Church to confirm its confidence in their qualifications.

The Pastors are tasked to shepherd the Church under Christ by the preaching of the Word publicly and privately, as well as to oversee the overall management of the Church, although certain practical concerns may be delegated to the Deacons.

Membership in the Church is formal, voluntary, and reserved only for those who sufficiently show by their life and testimony that the Lord is at work in them that they should believe in Jesus Christ and repent of their sins, and who symbolically proclaim this through baptism. Release from the membership occurs in any of the four cases: (1) death, (2) excommunication, (3) exclusion (i.e., resignation or release), or (4) transfer of membership.

The Church gathers from morning till evening every Sunday to worship the Lord, listen to the preaching of His Word, fellowship with one another, and pray together. It also observes the weekly prayer meeting as well as the monthly observance of the Lord’s Supper.